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  • Scotland

    Fancy doing Maths and English qualifications in Scotland? Find out more.

  • Scotland

    City & Guilds have operated in Scotland since the 1990s. Explore our offer in Scotland, including SCQF qualifications, events and online support resources.

  • Motor Vehicles Apprenticeships - Scotland (9242)

    Our Scottish Motor Vehicle Apprenticeships provide learners with knowledge and skills in specialist areas of expertise while gaining knowledge of the wider automotive profession. Areas include vehicle maintenance and repair to vehicle body and paint. Apprentices registered on this package will

    Level 3

  • Motor Vehicles Apprenticeships - Scotland (9422)

    This suite of qualifications is being replaced by 9242 which is coming soon. Our Scottish Motor Vehicle Apprenticeships provide learners with knowledge and skills in specialist areas of expertise while gaining knowledge of the wider automotive profession. Areas include vehicle maintenance and rep

    SCQF 6

  • Scotland VRQs in Maintenance & Repair (5380)

    These qualifications are for anyone interested in starting or developing a career in the motor industry to maintain and repair different types of vehicles (such as cars, vans or trucks) in Scotland.

    SCQF 5 SCQF 7

  • Travel Services Apprenticeships - Northern Ireland and Scotland

    We offer apprenticeship packages in various areas of travel and tourism services. Our apprenticeships are tailored to meet the ever-changing demands of this exciting industry. Whilst we do not offer a single point of registration for this framework we do offer the component parts.

  • Flexible Workforce Development Fund

    Learn more about the flexible workforce development fund with City & Guilds.

  • Royal Bank of Scotland Case Study