Case Studies

View our ever-growing number of inspiring case studies from across all regions.


Jamaica: Partnering with the Ministery to empower Jamaican learners

ministry of jamaica logo Addressing educational challenges with City & Guilds and the Ministry of Education

In a collaborative effort, City & Guilds and Jamaica's Ministry of Education and Youth have worked together since 2010 to enhance education for over 30,000 students. Through tailored programmes and dedicated support, the collaboration aimed to uplift Jamaican youth, offering them pathways to success amidst educational challenges.

With the endorsement of key institutions, City & Guilds qualifications have become recognised as valuable opportunities, contributing to the advancement of Jamaican youth.

Read the full case study >

Sri Lanka: Working with the National Youth Corps to reduce youth unemployment and boost economic growth

NYC logo imageCity & Guilds has partnered with National Youth Corps to support skills development for young people

City & Guilds and the National Youth Corps (NYC) in Sri Lanka have joined forces to address youth unemployment and foster economic growth. Through the alignment of their missions, City & Guilds and NYC are empowering young individuals with essential skills for today's job market.

By accrediting NYC's training programs, City & Guilds adds credibility and recognition, bridging skills gaps and preparing youth for both local and global employment opportunities. Explore the impact of this partnership in reducing unemployment and building a skilled workforce for the future.

Read the full case study >


MENA: Building on hair and make-up experience

Karen Montgomery identified and filled a gap in the hair and beauty market in Qatar - read the full case study on our News section.

Pacific: Young Chef Olympiad finalist

zane sinclair WelTec, The Wellington Institute of Technology, is a tertiary institution training around 8000 students every year.

City & Guilds and WelTec gave Zane Sinclair the opportunity to compete in the Young Chef Olympiad in India, qualifying for the finals and finishing in 7th place. Zane says the Young Chef Olympiad was "an incredible experience" and a great opportunity to form friendships with chefs from all over the world.

weltecZane completed the City & Guilds Diploma in Food Preparation and Culinary Arts, alongside the New Zealand Certificate in Cookery Level 4. The thoroughness of his qualifications prepared him for competition on the world stage. Since completing his City & Guilds qualification, Zane has worked as a chef at Margrain Vineyard and is now a chef at Wharekuhau Country Estate.


> Zane reflects on his amazing experience (Facebook)

> Watch the event: Young Chef Olympiad 2018 on NDTV Good Times (YouTube)

> Visit the WelTec website



East Asia & ASEAN: TnB Malaysia

Tenaga Nasional Berhad, electric utility company in Peninsular Malaysia and the largest publicly-listed power company in Southeast Asia.

"Having robust training programmes in place is very important to TNB. We are pleased to work with City & Guilds. Their training recognition provides our business with confidence in the quality of our programmes, and our students benefit from global certification recognition on completion of the course. We have over 100 students participating in our City & Guilds Recognised programme with more to come in 2018, and we are proud of the strong collaboration between ilsas and City & Guilds."

East Asia & ASEAN: Seyfert LTD

City & Guilds and Seyfert announce Partnership in Hair & Beauty sector.

We are thrilled to announce our Partnership with Seyfert LTD, which aims to provide, deliver and accredit City & Guilds hair and beauty qualifications and accredited programs to centres and academies across Japan.

Seyfert work across the World to provide end to end Hairdressing and Beauty learning services direct into Colleges. With offices in Tokyo, California and Sheffield they offer full time courses and study placement opportunities for UK and Japanese learners who want study and work internationally and build expertise.

Seyferts’ vision is to work closely with the Worlds experts in beauty to deliver World class skills and impact more lives, connects seamlessly with City & Guilds mission to nurture and build future talent and skills.

This fruitful partnership allows Seyfert to exclusively offer City & Guilds Levels 2, 3 and 4 technical qualifications within the hair and beauty sector in Japan as well as other City & Guilds accredited programmes across Japan and Sheffield. As a super centre, Seyfert will work with and quality assure a network of satellite centres within the region.

“I truly see this as a template for future partnerships, where both parties are expanding the market and increasing the reach in the number of learners, to the mutual benefit of learners, the country and the partnership.” Jeremy Dahdi Executive director, International.



MENA: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia invests in skills to boost vocational education provision

City & Guilds will help in goal to get 400,000 students in vocation education by 2023 - read the full case study on our News section.

MENA: National Bank of Egypt

QDB successfully completes pilot project with the “National Bank of Egypt”

City & Guilds Egyptian based strategic partner Qualification Development Bank was established as a part of the chain of banks (Egyptian Food Bank, Egyptian Cure Bank, Egyptian Clothing Bank) with a different paradigm to serve the development of vocational market.

Sponsored by the “National Bank of Egypt” and powered by City and Guilds, QDB graduated nine-hundred Egyptian learners from different governorates across Egypt (Cairo, Suez and Upper Egypt). The vocational training provided, was conducted by four accredited training centres and learners were trained on a variety of proficiencies including:

Ac & Refrigeration
Apparel Industry
Electrical Installations
Food Preparation
Motor Vehicle Engineering

Impact from the success of this six-month project is already visible with the average success rate of learners being 75% and upon examining the employment status of a number graduates, unemployment rate dropped by 86%.

Collaboration through partnerships is essential to the development of our goal to foster and grow talent. It gives us the ability to have impact and cements our legacy as a vital facet of community building. 

Africa: Paving the way for skills development in Uganda

The skills challenge

Youth unemployment in Uganda is the highest in Africa. A recent study published by ActionAid, put youth unemployment at 62%, although the African Development Bank says it could be as high as 83%.

Working closely with the Ministry of Education and Sports as well as other relevant stakeholders over the last two years, it is apparent that a large segment of the population in Uganda lack the necessary skills to find employment and therefore is negatively impacting the economy.

Employers often emphasise skills shortage in specific sectors as the main inhibitor for production and expansion in Uganda. To combat this, Government introduced several initiatives to address the existing skills gap in the country’s petroleum subsector. One such initiative is to establish Training Institutions to offer specialised training for Oil & Gas at levels 2 and 3.

A Capacity Skills Needs Analysis study was commissioned by the Ugandan government in 2014 and found that the manpower requirements for the Oil & Gas projects to be undertaken over the next five years were estimated at 161,700. Of this labour, 38% were estimated to be trades and craftsmen. Further research highlighted that employers demanded international accreditation for skills development.

Working with the Ugandan government

City & Guilds was appointed as the accreditation body for trades associated with the construction of Oil & Gas facilities by the Permanent Secretary, Mr Alex Kakooza. Because of our work, commitment and dedication to skills development in Uganda, city & Guilds was invited by the Ministry of Education, with the support of the World Bank, to assist them with the accreditation of selected Training Institutions in Uganda.

The objective of the project was to approve/accredit and certify two Training Institutions to City & Guilds standards for general trades/skills/competencies related to Oil & Gas. Our collective experience and vision for the region and internationally made this an ideal relationship where both parties can expand the market and increase the reach in the number of students, to the mutual benefit of learners, the country and the project.

Phase one of the project included a full skills gap analysis and recommendation was performed to ensure all areas of training were addressed. Phase two incorporated the training of several staff members from institutions to be developed into qualified Facilitator, Assessors and Moderators. During these phases City & Guilds has provided recommendations for further building and have reconfirmed our commitment to the project as we gear towards the final stage of the project.

Moving forward together

The Project Coordinator for Uganda Skills Development Projects under the Ministry of Education and Sports supported by World Bank has committed to negotiation with the World Bank to roll out this initiative to more than twenty centres over the next three years.

The continuous and fruitful relationship built with the Ministry and all other stakeholders in the region is testimony that City & Guilds continues to be a world class brand that offers superior solutions and sets the International benchmark for Vocational Education and Training.



India: Advancing baking and pastry arts with Lavonne Academy

Innovative training programs and expanded opportunities through a decade-long partnership with City & Guilds for quality education in patisserie, confectionery and baking skills.

Established in 2012 to bring baking and pastry arts into the mainstream in India, Lavonne Academy delivers programmes from hobby classes to 480-hour diplomas for around 1500 students a year. 

The academy has worked with City & Guilds for more than 10 years, delivering the Level 2 Diploma in Food Preparation and Cooking – Patisserie and the Level 3 Diploma in Professional Patisserie and Confectionery, before securing Assured accreditation for these programmes: 

Lavonne Assured credential
  • A06T-01 Foundation Program in Baking Science and Pastry Arts
  • A06T-02 Intermediate Program in Baking Science and Pastry Arts
  • A06T-05 Associate Program in Baking Science, Pastry Arts and Entrepreneurship 
  • A06T-09 Egg-Free 5 Weeks Program 

As part of the partnership, City & Guilds provides the academy with guidance and resources for developing and updating training curriculum to ensure that it aligns with both industry standards and the City & Guilds quality benchmarks. This support helps Lavonne design programmes that are relevant, up-to-date, and aligned with industry expectations.  

Lavonne Academy imageCity & Guilds has also supported Lavonne in implementing quality assurance processes to monitor and maintain the standards of its training programmes. This includes conducting audits, providing feedback on program effectiveness, and offering recommendations for continuous improvement.

The support and resources provided by City & Guilds continue to empower Lavonne to deliver high-quality training and qualifications that meet industry standards, benefitting both students and the institute's overall educational mission.

Lavonne Academy image
"By partnering with City & Guilds, which is a globally recognised awarding organisation, we were able to leverage that recognition and credibility associated with City & Guilds certification, enhancing the reputation of our academic programmes.” Dr. Chef Avin Thaliath, Co-Founder & Director of Academics

East Asia & ASEAN: International recognition for Shanghai students

With the retail industry in China now surpassing the USA in revenue; centres and businesses are investing more time and money in following international standards to improve management skills.

As the first centre in Mainland China to get the approval of City & Guilds to deliver their retail qualification, Shanghai Business School also became the first organisation in the country to develop retailing standardisation with their Advanced Retail Management qualification.

The most significant influence in the development of the qualification came from employees and students lacking the principles and methods to solve managerial problems that may arise within the retail industry.

The training programme had to have the right balance of theory with practice to allow students towards wholly and systematically understanding the retailing sector, preparing them for job progression or further education.

It was vital for Shanghai Business School to reach their organisational objectives, which saw each business student attain two qualifications – including one that is internationally recognised.

The school was pursuing official approval of their Advanced Retail Management qualification, which had localised standardisation but required international recognition.

“We had to design the training programme to fit the Chinese market, but it was imperative also to have official and international recognition…City & Guilds’ Assured service delivered just what we needed” – Jiang He, Shanghai Business School.

shanghai students image

The training programme consists of face-to-face contact hours and self-study hours, totalling 150 hours.

Its practice includes presentations, practical demonstrations, industry research, group discussions and internships that have so far awarded 150 students with the certificate, some now working in global retail companies including Alibaba, Starbucks and 7-11.

The development and success of this programme have brought Shanghai Business School up to leading position among universities who are conducting other retailing programmes in China.

“To develop the Advanced Retail Management Programme with City & Guilds is meaningful for our faculty and the university. We have transformed our role from importing international standardisation to formulate our own localised retailing standardisation” - Jiang He, Shanghai Business School.

shanghai students classroom image

MENA: Improving the skillset for Afghan society

Vocational training programs pave the way to offer an internationally recognised skillset in Afghanistan for the first time.

It’s a significant milestone for the education system in Afghanistan and for Rana Vocational Training Center (RVTC) who, with SG Education as their delivery partner, offer uniquely professional and vocational training programs in multiple fields.

In the past, RVTC faced some major challenges, especially in the enrolling and retaining of students. With the constant change in marketing trends and dynamics, they faced operational issues, which saw difficulty implementing a Hotel Management and Hospitality programme for the first time in Afghanistan.

Another challenge the centre faced was the deficiency in English language skills amongst the students. It meant the participants were not able to get a full understanding of the programme until the English department started coaching them alongside their regular training programme.

Then the instructors were able to deliver the full scope of the programme, which included practising daily scenario-based tasks, group work, presentations and time management, to name a few.

“Since I participated in the training, I can feel a huge change in myself and my life because at the beginning of the course I didn’t know about Hospitality Management, but now I can handle my own business in the field. At the beginning of the course I had problems with my English so by taking English class in RVTC, I also improved my English and the hospitality subjects became easier and more interesting. I want to thank our teacher and RVTC leadership for giving us this opportunity.” – Student, RANA Vocational Training Center

With help from the City & Guilds accredited training solutions, trainees were able to learn all the standardised practical skills and get them on their way to find their dream jobs.

Before the assured program, the students of RVTC had no business management experience but now empowers graduates to become active contributors. The training helps to meet the centre’s objective, which is to produce a skilled workforce to the market and ultimately increase the number of professional workers in Afghan society.

At a beauty saloon

The benefits of the assured program at RVTC has resulted in increase of English skills and confidence of students, some even going on to start their own businesses. Others were able to open doors to new careers and found jobs within hospitality, catering, and beauty.

“When I was a child I was really interested to work in the beautician field and one day one of my friends told me about a professional beautician programme at RVTC, so completed the application then and there. The methodology was very good, and interesting. My participation in the beautician class changed my life, and now I have opened a small salon, and now I put everything I learned into practice.” – Student, RANA Vocational Training Center

Africa: The Sunshine Zimbabwe Project

the zimbabwe sunshine project imageThe Sunshine Project Zimbabwe is a City & Guilds approved centre established in 2011. The project aims to empower intellectually disabled adolescents and adults through relevant and inclusive skills training and education that prepares them for employment and independence.

Marion Du Preez, a passionate mother to a child with intellectual disabilities, started the project to pave a better future for her own daughter who had no clear opportunities to become independent after she left her special school. Du Preez set up the Sunshine Project to assist young people and adults to grow their skills and confidence after school, helping the local community learn more about these people and prove how valuable and productive they can be as active members of society.

Four years later, Du Preez recognised there was still a gap in learning for students who wanted to progress in their professional careers but didn’t have the same skills as school leavers and hence had no clear support to get to the next level. To meet these needs, the Sunshine Project became an approved City & Guilds centre. City & Guilds qualifications provide clear skills progression from entry-level through to the highest standards of professional achievement. With entry requirements such as basic reading and writing, the City & Guilds programmes and qualifications are accessible to the Sunshine Project students where other courses would have insurmountable barriers.

The City & Guilds students do regular work placements with high profile businesses in Harare such as five-star hotels and B&Bs (like Meikles Hotel and Wild Geese Lodge), as well as at busy garages like Harris Auto. City & Guilds students, and other learners, also take part in external presentations on life skills, team building activities, and enjoy days out to the movies and physical activities like horse riding and yoga.

The project survives, and thrives, entirely through fundraising and donations from the community. Students are also encouraged to take part in activities that create commercial products to sell and assist with costs. The Sunshine Project operates in an environment of economic hardships such as limited cash flow, regular water shortages, and 15-hour power cuts. It's not uncommon for students whose families can't afford generators to wake up at 3 AM to do their homework and studies when there is electricity to use the internet and lights.

The Sunshine Project is another example of how City & Guilds bridge the skills gap in communities all around the world. At City & Guilds, we believe in the power of skills to build successful careers, businesses, and economies.

Follow the Sunshine Project on Facebook.


International Centre for Culinary Arts (ICCA) Dubai spoke to us about their challenges and how recognition of their training from City & Guilds has helped them to promote a new way of delivering culinary education.

Engineering, Malaysia: ILP Pedas

Discover how ILP Pedas are building technical expertise to support the tunnelling industry in Kuala Lumpur.

Read the case study >

Oil and Gas, Malaysia: SDCG

Find out how Serba Dinamik Global Skills Centre is strengthening the talent pipeline in the Oil and Gas sector across Malaysia.

Read the case study >

East Asia & ASEAN: Taiwan Research Institute (TRI)

TRI becomes Assured

Taiwan Research Institute is operated by academic elites and chartered by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China as a privately funded non-profit organisation. Its mission is to engage in planning of Taiwan’s public policy and to ultimately promote Taiwan’s long-term modernisation. TRI aims to deepen the foundation of Taiwan’s democratic development and to nurture an environment conducive to raising the living standards of people, encourage technological innovation and build sustainable economic growth and development.

Our journey with TRI

Over the past couple years, we have established a successful partnership with the TRI on the delivery of our Chinese/Mandarin qualifications through sub centres in Taiwan and China.

Moving forward together

In 2018 a decision was made to end our Chinese qualification offering in the region and look at how we could continue to support and improve business for centres who wanted flexibility of language delivery as well as improved interaction of technology. Understanding the market needs and working closely with TRI, City & Guilds has developed an accreditation solution that does just that.

Assured takes training from good to great. It ensures that programmes meet our International quality benchmark and provides flexibility to centres who want to deliver programmes in the local language of choice as well as taking digital credentialing to a new level with online and printed certification and tracking. Centres can now track their students’ progress and careers wherever they go taking their brand and legacy further. The new offer covers some fantastic programmes such as Hospitality, Food & Beverage and Barista but can also extend to any industry sector and programme type.

TRI have begun introducing Assured into Taiwan and will be extending into China throughout 2018/9. We are extremely proud that we can continue to build future talent in South East Asia and are excited to see what the future holds.

> Find out more how Assured can help you

Caribbean and the Americas: Two City & Guilds centres at the forefront of innovation

Leading the way - City & Guilds Centres at the forefront of innovation. A case study focusing on two of City & Guilds leading centres in Trinidad and Tobago.

East Asia & ASEAN: Riam Institute of Technology leading the way in graduate employability

A case study focusing on Malaysia's Riam Institute of Technology.