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Events and webinars

Events and webinars

We run free webinars and events throughout the year to ensure our customers are supported at every stage, from curriculum planning through to ongoing delivery.

Our events provide a great opportunity to network with your peers, and gain expert advice and guidance from our technical advisors and their teams.

You will also find the recordings and slides from each of our T Level webinars, as well as our communications. 

Please be aware that some of our events listed below are hosted on Eventbrite and Go to Webinar and will link you to their website for registration.

A number of our webinars were recorded before the recent core exams and ESP decoupling confirmation. Please watch this short video before watching any of our on-demand events.

construction t levels image

Onsite Construction and Building Services Engineering

On-demand webinars

These webinars are available to access throughout the year, meaning you can dip into them whenever you need. These webinars are hosted on GoToWebinar therefore you will need to input some information to access them.

Onsite Construction & BSE T Level introduction

This is a high-level introduction to the Onsite Construction and BSE T Level, looking at the structure, the comparison to apprenticeships and an introduction to the City & Guilds team.

T Level introduction

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Curriculum planning

To support in the preparation to deliver T Levels our Technical Advisors look at possible curriculum plans and delivery models. Topics covered include what delivery looks like, key dates, examples of curriculum plans and assessment window.

If you haven’t already seen our sample curriculum plans, you can download these from the T Levels Resource Hub.

Curriculum planning

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Preparation for core exams and assessments

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the core exams, including:

  • Rules for assessments and resits
  • Grading
  • Core example assessments
  • Support available for exam delivery & techniques

Please note, this webinar was recorded before the recent core exams and ESP decoupling confirmation.

Core exams

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Preparation for the Employer-Set Project assessment

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the delivery of the ESP, including:

  • Soft skills
  • Delivery styles
  • Assessment principles
  • Question structure
  • Structure of ESP
  • Delivery of ESP

Please note, this webinar was recorded before the recent core exams and ESP decoupling confirmation.

ESP delivery

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Preparation for Occupational Specialism assessments

Join our Technical Advisors for a question-and-answer session, looking specifically at delivering the Occupational Specialism assignments.

OS assessments

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engineering t levels image

Engineering and Manufacturing

On-demand webinars

These webinars are available to access throughout the year, meaning you can dip into them whenever you need. These webinars are hosted on GoToWebinar therefore you will need to input some information to access them.

Engineering and Manufacturing T Level introduction

This is a high-level introduction to the Engineering and Manufacturing T Levels, looking at the structure, the comparison to apprenticeships and an introduction to the City & Guilds team.

T Level introduction (MIR)

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T Level introduction (MPC)

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T Level introduction (D&D)

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Curriculum planning

To support in the preparation to deliver T Levels our Technical Advisors look at possible curriculum plans and delivery models. Topics covered include what delivery looks like, key dates, examples of curriculum plans and assessment window.

If you haven’t already seen our sample curriculum plans, you can download these from the T Levels Resource Hub.

Curriculum planning

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Preparation for core exams and assessments

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the core exams, including:

  • Rules for assessments and resits
  • Grading
  • Core example assessments
  • Delivering the ESP
  • Support available for exam delivery & techniques

Please note, this webinar was recorded before the recent core exams and ESP decoupling confirmation.

Core exams

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Preparation for the Employer-Set Project assessment

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the delivery of the ESP, including:

  • Soft skills
  • Delivery styles
  • Assessment principles
  • Question structure
  • Structure of ESP
  • Delivery of ESP

Please note, this webinar was recorded before the recent core exams and ESP decoupling confirmation.

ESP delivery MIR

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ESP delivery MPC

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ESP delivery D&D

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business t levels image

Management and Administration

On-demand webinars

These webinars are available to access throughout the year, meaning you can dip into them whenever you need. These webinars are hosted on GoToWebinar therefore you will need to input some information to access them.

Management and Administration T Level introduction

This is a high-level introduction to the Management and Administration T Level, looking at the structure, the comparison to apprenticeships and an introduction to the City & Guilds team.

T Level introduction

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Curriculum planning

To support in the preparation to deliver T Levels our Technical Advisors look at possible curriculum plans and delivery models. Topics covered include what delivery looks like, key dates, examples of curriculum plans and assessment window.

If you haven’t already seen our sample curriculum plans, you can download these from the T Levels Resource Hub.

Curriculum planning

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Preparation for core exams and assessments

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the core exams, including:

  • Rules for assessments and resits
  • Grading
  • Core example assessments
  • Support available for exam delivery & techniques

Please note, this webinar was recorded before the recent core exams and ESP decoupling confirmation.

Core exams

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Preparing for the Management & Administration Autumn series 2023

A recorded webinar offering reflection and support in preparing for the autumn series of the Management and Administration T Level.

Autumn series

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Preparation for the Employer-Set Project assessment

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the delivery of the ESP, including:

  • Soft skills
  • Delivery styles
  • Assessment principles
  • Question structure
  • Structure of ESP
  • Delivery of ESP

Please note, this webinar was recorded before the recent core exams and ESP decoupling confirmation.

ESP delivery

Watch on-demand

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Preparation for Occupational Specialism assessments

Join our Technical Advisors for a question-and-answer session, looking specifically at delivering the Occupational Specialism assignments.

OS assessments

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land t level thumbnail

Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care

On-demand webinars

These webinars are available to access throughout the year, meaning you can dip into them whenever you need. These webinars are hosted on GoToWebinar therefore you will need to input some information to access them.

Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care T Level introduction

This is a high-level introduction to the Agriculture, Environment and Animal Care T Level, looking at the structure, the comparison to apprenticeships and an introduction to the City & Guilds team.

T Level introduction

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Curriculum planning

To support in the preparation to deliver T Levels our Technical Advisors look at possible curriculum plans and delivery models. Topics covered include what delivery looks like, key dates, examples of curriculum plans and assessment window.

If you haven’t already seen our sample curriculum plans, you can download these from the T Levels Resource Hub.

Curriculum planning

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Preparation for core exams and assessments

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the core exams, including:

  • Rules for assessments and resits
  • Grading
  • Core example assessments
  • Support available for exam delivery & techniques

Core exams

Watch on demand

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Preparation for the Employer-Set Project assessment

Our Technical Advisors discuss the key aspects related to the delivery of the ESP, including:

  • Soft skills
  • Delivery styles
  • Assessment principles
  • Question structure
  • Structure of ESP
  • Delivery of ESP

ESP delivery

Coming soon

Coming soon

Preparation for Occupational Specialism assessments

Join our Technical Advisors for a question-and-answer session, looking specifically at delivering the Occupational Specialism assignments.

OS assessments

Coming soon

Coming soon