Money and Pensions Service – Assured case study

10 November 2023
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Supporting financial wellbeing through their Assured Money Guidance training programme.

Supporting the ColegauCymru conference as Headline Sponsor: Addressing the issues and opportunities facing skills development in Wales

09 November 2023
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Additional funding for Functional Skills reflects the importance of maths and English skills for individuals and for our economy.

Cefnogi cynhadledd ColegauCymru fel y Prif Noddwr: Mynd i’r afael â’r materion a’r cyfleoedd y mae’r maes datblygu sgiliau yn eu hwynebu yng Nghymru

09 November 2023
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Yng nghynhadledd ColegauCymru yng Nghaerdydd ar 12 Hydref, daeth cyflogwyr, darparwyr hyfforddiant a llunwyr polisi at ei gilydd i drafod dyfodol addysg Gymraeg

Functional Skills Funding Announcement

07 November 2023
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Additional funding for Functional Skills reflects the importance of maths and English skills for individuals and for our economy.

Training Trends 2023: Unlocking investment, realising potential

07 November 2023
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Are internal barriers to L&D leading to wasted training investment in training?

New Maths and English report highlights key priorities and challenges for providers

03 November 2023
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From managing quality to learner engagement, recent research from City & Guilds shares key provider insights.


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