Important updates regarding the Livestock Production Occupational Specialism (OS) within the Agriculture Land Management Production (ALMP) T Level

From September 2024, pig skills will be introduced into the Livestock Production OS pathway.

03 July 2024

This change follows a public announcement and subsequent instructions from the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) and aims to enhance the curriculum and better prepare learners for diverse roles within the livestock sector.

There will also be changes to the Livestock Production OS assessment. Specific skills related to a single species will be removed from the assessment. This decision follows a review after manageability concerns were raised by stakeholders and will help to ensure manageability without compromising the validity of outcomes. Specific skills will remain part of the qualification framework and it is encouraged that learners cover these as relevant as part of the industry placement.

These changes will form a new version of the Livestock Production OS that will be available for delivery from September 2024.

Overview of the key changes

Inclusion of pig skills assessment from Summer 2026

  • Stockperson skills will apply to cattle, sheep, and pigs.

As noted above, the species-specific skills remain part of the qualification framework and it is encouraged that learners cover these as relevant as part of the industry placement.

Assessment Adjustments from Summer 2026

  • Learners will be assessed on the knowledge of four species (cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry) but will demonstrate practical skills with two.
  • Assignments will be designed to allow centres the discretion to choose the livestock species for the assessment and tasks will focus on general stockperson skills applicable across all species rather than specific species skills. This will allow centres to select species based on availability and to reduce manageability concerns.

Timeline and development approach

Key milestones in the development process include the following dates we are working to, to publish materials:

  • Specification: Early September 2024
  • Livestock Occupational Specialism: November 2024
  • Guide Sample Exemplification Material: December 2024

Provider approval process

We are accepting applications from providers intending to deliver the updated Livestock Production OS with pig skills. Initially, we will provide partial approval while we await the updated specification content and requirements for the OS. These updates will enable us to review and refine the provider approval criteria.

  • Partial Approval - Providers can apply for soft approval, which will be granted based on the current information available. This will allow you to begin preparations for delivering the updated Livestock OS.
  • Full Approval - Official approval will be granted once the updated materials are accredited and approved by IfATE. We will keep you informed throughout this process. We will conduct approval visits around September to ensure all providers meet the necessary criteria and are prepared for the changes.

Key information for the September 2023 cohort

Learners currently registered as part of the September 23 cohort will take their OS assessment in Summer 2025 using the current version of the OS content (which does not include pig skills, and covers species-specific skills). Learners registering from September 2024 onwards will be assessed against the updated Livestock OS which will be amended to include assessment of two species (out of cattle, sheep and the new inclusion of pigs). The first assessment series for the updated version will be Summer 2026.

Please be aware that there will be two versions of the Livestock Production OS available simultaneously. We will provide clear guidance to help you navigate these changes and to support correct bookings.

Provider Engagement and Support

To support you through this transition, we held a provider update webinar with IfATE at the beginning of July. In this session we discussed detailed information on the changes, development timelines, and how you can prepare. You can watch a recording of this webinar here.

If you require any information or support regarding the approval process or the integration of pig skills, please contact our Quality Delivery Team. Please contact Sarah Cocks, our dedicated Land Based T Level Technical Advisor for any support regarding curriculum planning, delivery support and advisory visits.

We are committed to working closely with you to ensure a smooth transition and successful implementation of these changes. Your feedback and collaboration are invaluable as we enhance the Livestock Production Occupational Specialism to include pig skills and reduce manageability concerns. For further information or to discuss any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us via