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An ‘Endorsed by City & Guilds’ logo is the recognition that a 3rd party’s textbooks or digital learning materials are appropriate and could support the achievement of a City & Guilds qualification or apprenticeship.

What is Endorsement?

City and Guilds will review any 3rd party teaching and learning materials put forward for endorsement if these materials are likely to support achievement of a City & Guilds’ qualification or apprenticeship. The cost of this review will be agreed upfront and met by the 3rd party.
Once the review has been completed, it may be necessary for changes to the 3rd party content to be implemented for the endorsement to be received. If significant re-reviewing is then required, there may be further costs for the 3rd party. 

The aim of the endorsement process is to provide support to City & Guilds’ customers (and learners undertaking City & Guilds’ qualifications or apprenticeships) by confirming that 3rd party products that are appropriate and meet City & Guilds’ endorsement quality standards.
In addition, the endorsement adds value to the product for the 3rd party and its customers. City & Guilds’ endorsement indicates that 3rd party products have been rigorously evaluated to ensure they meet our endorsement criteria.

What are the features?

Our endorsement service provides

✔ Review of the technical content from a subject matter expert

✔ Review against the City & Guilds endorsement criteria to ensure the level and coverage of the material is appropriate for the qualifications or apprenticeships in question

✔ 3rd party organisation can use the ENDORSED by logo in marketing materials

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