Options for learning and progression – Business Administration post SASE
In July 2020 the business administration Level 2 SASE apprenticeship is due to close, and there is no replacement.
We know, through our engagement with centres and employers, that there will still be a strong demand in the market for options that act as a stepping stone from Level 2 to Level 3.
Having listened to centre feedback, we have pulled together a range of options to help you service the needs of learners, with existing qualifications and programmes that attract funding.
Ahead of the SASE shut off, and in order to provide a level 2 offer, we strongly recommend that you consider the following City & Guilds qualifications and programmes for your provision.
Speak to us on the programmes and qualifications
Age range, eligibility, funding and duration
Traineeship programme
Study programme
Pick & mix
Details of offer
Maths and English (if needed)
Employability skills
Qualifications if/where appropriate
Work experience (min 100 hrs/max 240 hrs)
Qualifications must be listed on AEB catalogue.
We suggest:
Maths and English (if needed)
Work placement
Level 2 units and/or full qualifications.
Business qualifications:
Employability qualifications:
Age range
(19+ via AEB funding)
19-24 up to first full level 3
24+ up to first full level 2
Eligibility criteria
Not currently in employment (or work fewer than 16 hours per week)
Minimal work experience
If qualified, should be below level 3
Have a reasonable chance of being ready for employment or an apprenticeship within six months
See: Adult Education Budget
19-24 fully funded for first full level 2 or 3
24+ co-funded for first full level 2, or loan-funded for level 3 and above
Full or part-time student
No restrictions unless looking to use AEB funding
£970 flat funding rate for traineeship
Additional funding for any vocationally relevant qualification delivered as part of the programme
£724 per qualification for English and maths (if required)
Weighted qualification funding rate on Learning Aim Reference Service
Check: ESFA LARS database of funded qualifications
16 -18 ESFA funding
AEB, if eligible
Min: 6 weeks
Max: 6 months
No set duration
540 planned hours
No set duration
Costs for the individual components as per Walled Garden
Costs for the individual components as per Walled Garden
Costs for the individual components as per Walled Garden
Costs for the individual components as per Walled Garden
Level 2 units and qualifications
We suggest offering the following Level 2 units and/or full qualifications including;
Business qualifications:
Employability qualifications:
Maths and English qualifications
For more information on traineeships, AEB and Study Programmes visit our pages below;