To deliver these qualifications you will need suitably qualified staff to carry out training and assessment.
You will also need suitable facilities to carry out the required training to enable learners to achieve industry standards.
As a minimum, centres wishing to provide this qualification must have access to a well equipped industrial kitchen including:
Cooking facilities to enable full access to the qualification (for example ovens / ranges, grills, griddles and deep fat fryers), Worktop space (stainless steel workstations or tables), Washing facilities(hand washing, food preparation and washing up), Refrigerator space, and small and large equipment.
Centres will need to review the range of equipment requirements against each unit within the qualification. You may need to purchase additional equipment in order to offer the qualification.
Centres currently offering the Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery (7100-83) are automatically approved to offer Level 3 Diploma in Advanced Professional Cookery (Kitchen and Larder) (7100-84).
Centres currently offering 7100-81 will be given automatic approval for the 7100-11.
Centres currently offering 7100-82 will be given automatic approval for the 7100-12.
To find all the resource requirements for assessment and delivery, download the qualification handbook from the centre documents section.
Anyone can take this qualification, but you must make sure all your learners can access the resources they need to complete it.