What is Pre-supply?
Pre-supply is a bespoke service provided to approved centres who may be unable to delivery Functional Skills Level 1 and 2 examinations in the normal way due to extenuating circumstances. It is not available to all centres.
Step-by-step guide to delivering exams via Pre-supply
Centres are responsible for the secure and safe administration of examinations. This includes:
- secure storage of physical and electronic assessment materials,
- assessment administration and examination invigilation according to relevant guidance.
The below video and guide explains the administration process for Pre-supply exams, from ordering question paper stock, conducting exams, to returning your scripts to City & Guilds securely and on-time.
Pre-supply exam delivery video (YouTube)
Pre-supply exam delivery guidance (PDF)
Ordering Stock for Examinations
For Pre-supply examinations, centres must pre-order Functional Skills question papers in advance. They must then be stored securely.
Pre-supply centres are responsible for the secure and safe management of Functional Skills question paper stock. Centres must ensure:
- Secure receipt and storage of physical assessment materials.
- That only key contacts for their centre have access to the question papers stock.
- Compliance with current version lists.
- Any version that is removed from rotation or marked invalid are securely destroyed on site.
Centres can review the current Functional Skills question paper version list below:
Functional Skills Version list (PDF)
The form below should be used by centres to request Functional skills questions paper stock.
Pre-supply stock request form
From 1 September 2023 we no longer accept stock order requests via email.
Only one stock order is permitted per calendar week (Monday to Sunday).
If you need to request additional versions of an assessment, you must submit a further stock request order form in the next calendar week. This is to ensure the integrity of multiple versions of assessment are maintained at all times.
Centres must not request more than one version per assessment per week using this form. Where more than one version is requested on this form (for an assessment) it will not be fulfilled by City & Guilds.
If your details are not registered on our database of approved contacts, your request will be rejected.
Please use the contact update form to add/remove contact details for relevant staff involved in the delivery of functional skills via Pre-supply.
Pre-supply contact update form
Contacts will be added to our database, in line with our privacy policy and we will use these details to contact you about approval and delivery.
It is important all candidates are registered for Functional Skills before the exams are conducted via the Pre-supply service. Candidates must be registered via Walled Garden, our secure administration platform.
How to register learners via Walled Garden (PDF)
Visit the Walled Garden support page for more information on registering learners and for booking exams and assessments not delivered via Pre-supply.
Walled Garden support
Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ)
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has set out common regulations for schools and colleges that enter students for qualifications.
The regulations specify the standard requirements for externally marked examinations and assessments. For certain qualifications some of the requirements may be different, please check the individual qualification handbooks and assessment guides for more information.
These regulations:
- are re-issued each academic year;
- set out key administrative requirements;
- reference national agreements on conduct of exams and special arrangements for individuals with particular requirements.
JCQ Exams Office
JCQ Instructions for conducting examinations
ICE for FS Pre-supply
Only authorised contacts are permitted to request Functional skills questions paper stock, please ensure you centre details are kept update to date.
Returning Examinations
The below documents for Pre-supply exam administration support you returning your question papers scripts to City & Guilds securely in a timely manner, using the agreed processes:
Pre-supply Invigilation Certificate (XLSX)
Pre-supply IC step-by-step guide (PDF)
Centres returning Pre-supply examinations must ensure an electronic copy of the Invigilation Certificate (IC) is returned to the Pre-supply inbox. immediately after candidates have sat the examination, or within 24 hours.
All completed exam scripts and the hard-copy of the IC must be returned to City & Guilds on the same day, after candidates have sat the examination, or within 24 hours.