Category: News

Department for Education announces pause and review of post-16 qualification reforms in England

24 July 2024
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The defunding of qualifications that overlap with T Levels has been paused.

Driving forward an ambitious skills agenda and plans for education

11 July 2024
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The new UK Labour government has set out plans to expand high-quality education, employment and training routes.

Important updates regarding the Livestock Production Occupational Specialism (OS) within the Agriculture Land Management Production (ALMP) T Level

03 July 2024
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From September 2024, pig skills will be introduced into the Livestock Production OS pathway.

Update on new Annual Fee, minimum spend and price review

06 June 2024
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City & Guilds and ILM revised pricing will start to be available in Walled Garden from July 2024 – understand the revised plan.

City & Guilds brand Kineo announces launch of new ESG training offering

24 May 2024
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Kineo look to revolutionise corporate training and handling of Environmental, Social and Governance responsibilities with new suite of courses.

DfE announces reformed qualifications approved for funding from August 2025

17 May 2024
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The Department for Education (DfE) set out changes to level 3 and below qualifications following the post-16 qualification review in England. DfE has now published a list of Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) and Technical Qualifications (TQs) that have been approved for public funding at level 3 from 1 August 2025, including new City & Guilds qualifications.

Meet the City & Guilds customer support teams

11 April 2024
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Find out who to go to with questions and issues in our support team Q&A.

Scaling skills and employment opportunities to reduce reoffending

03 April 2024
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City & Guilds was delighted to host our event, ‘Scaling skills and employment opportunities to reduce reoffending’ at HMP Highpoint recently.

City & Guilds Foundation - Rehabilitation Collaboration Event

15 March 2024
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On 28 February the City & Guilds Foundation brought together industry leaders and representatives from charity partners to build relationships and share insights and experiences of promoting education and training in prison.

International Women’s Day 2024: In conversation with Cecilia Harvey

05 March 2024
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To mark International Women’s Day 2024 and highlight this year’s theme of ‘inspire inclusion’, we interviewed our very own women in STEM champion, City & Guilds’ Chief Operating Officer, Cecilia Harvey, about her career experiences in the largely male-dominated world of IT and technology.

New approval charge and price changes from 1 September 2024

01 March 2024
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As part of our annual pricing review, City & Guilds and ILM will be reducing the minimum spend level and introducing a new annual approval charge from the next academic year.

City & Guilds Joins forces with Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance to spearhead Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Apprenticeships and Skills

26 February 2024
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City & Guilds, the global skills organisation, is proud to announce today the formation of a new alliance with the Multicultural Apprenticeship Alliance (MAA), that will provide much-needed support to learners, allowing them enhanced access to a wider range of apprenticeships and other vocational training opportunities.

Interview with City & Guilds CEO Kirstie Donnelly and Seema Malhotra MP, Labour’s Shadow Skills & Further Education Minister

15 February 2024
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City & Guilds CEO Kirstie Donnelly met with the Labour Party’s Shadow Skills & Further Education Minister, Seema Malhotra MP for a relaxed interview at the beautiful Stationers' Hall near to St Paul’s

Cynnig Cymraeg recognition awarded to City & Guilds for efforts to improve Welsh language services

15 December 2023
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City & Guilds has (1st November 2023) been awarded the prestigious ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ from the Welsh Language Commissioner, in recognition of the organisation’s commitment to offering services in the Welsh language.

Rhoi cydnabyddiaeth y Cynnig Cymraeg i City and Guilds am ymdrechion i wella’r gwasanaethau Cymraeg

15 December 2023
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Mae City and Guilds (1 Tachwedd 2023) wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth arbennig y ‘Cynnig Cymraeg’ gan Gomisiynydd y Gymraeg, i gydnabod ymrwymiad y sefydliad i gynnig gwasanaethau yn y Gymraeg.

Money and Pensions Service – Assured case study

10 November 2023
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Supporting financial wellbeing through their Assured Money Guidance training programme.

Supporting the ColegauCymru conference as Headline Sponsor: Addressing the issues and opportunities facing skills development in Wales

09 November 2023
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Additional funding for Functional Skills reflects the importance of maths and English skills for individuals and for our economy.

Cefnogi cynhadledd ColegauCymru fel y Prif Noddwr: Mynd i’r afael â’r materion a’r cyfleoedd y mae’r maes datblygu sgiliau yn eu hwynebu yng Nghymru

09 November 2023
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Yng nghynhadledd ColegauCymru yng Nghaerdydd ar 12 Hydref, daeth cyflogwyr, darparwyr hyfforddiant a llunwyr polisi at ei gilydd i drafod dyfodol addysg Gymraeg

Functional Skills Funding Announcement

07 November 2023
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Additional funding for Functional Skills reflects the importance of maths and English skills for individuals and for our economy.

ISB Manifesto: A vision for a Future Skills Development System – serving People, Places and Productivity

31 October 2023
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City & Guilds Industry Skills Board (ISB) have launched their Policy and Business Coalition Manifesto which gives solution-based proposals to achieve change in the skills sector.

Reflecting on EV World Congress 2023: Fostering collaboration and skills development for sustainable mobility

23 October 2023
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The recently concluded EV World Congress 2023 brought together industry leaders and policymakers to collectively shape the future of the electric vehicle (EV) charging landscape. On the 10th and 11th October, against the backdrop of Novotel London West, the event underscored the significance of collaborative efforts in moving the EV sector forward.

Celebrating World Menopause Day with community group M-Powered

18 October 2023
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How a team of Menopause Wellbeing Champions have created a safe space to share stories and affect change at City & Guilds

It’s time to close the green skills gap and create the net-zero workforce of the future

13 October 2023
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How we can use education and skills development to promote sustainability and meet net-zero targets

City & Guilds bring first Skills Hub to the political party conferences

12 October 2023
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Every year in late-September and early October the UK political parties hold their party conferences in cities across England. These present an opportunity for Members of Parliament, party members, businesses and associations to gather, discuss and debate the key issues of the day in meetings and through set speeches.

City & Guilds celebrates partnership with skills focused charity Bounce Back

11 October 2023
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How the City & Guilds Foundation is helping Bounce Back bring practical skills training to the people who need it most

City & Guilds Impact Report 2023 reinforces commitment to meaningful change

05 October 2023
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Showcasing the difference we make to over 3.5M people, the organisations we work with, and the economies we impact.

Five ways to engage with T Levels as an employer or industry expert

02 October 2023
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From qualification validation to hosting industry placements, find out how you can get involved to ensure that T Levels meet the needs of industry.

Building the future: How T Levels could change the face of construction

29 September 2023
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The new technical qualifications will be crucial to developing construction’s next generation but they will need employing organisation input to succeed.

Empowering Electricians for a Sustainable Future: Driving Change Together on EV World Day

07 September 2023
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As the world accelerates towards a sustainable future, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a powerful solution to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

City & Guilds launches partnership with The Green Edge

07 September 2023
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We are excited to announce a new collaboration with sustainable business analysts, The Green Edge, to produce a bespoke podcast series, designed to help us respond to the latest developments in green skills markets

Improving apprenticeship completions: Secure success from start to finish

06 September 2023
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How can providers help reduce apprentice dropout rates? In a new guide, City & Guilds highlights common challenges and solutions, with tips to support apprentices from onboarding to EPA.

Results day 2023

16 August 2023
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Congratulations to all learners receiving their City & Guilds qualifications today! We wish you every luck in the future.

53 Princess Royal Training Awards across UK and Ireland for achieving positive impact through skills development

15 August 2023
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Now in its eighth year, The Princess Royal Training Awards continue to honour organisations showing exceptional commitment to learning and development. Among this year’s 53 award-winning recipients, are a mix of small not-for-profit organisations and large multinationals, each showcasing a refreshing display of diverse and innovative approaches to learning and development.

Update on our annual price increase - effective from 1 September 2023

31 July 2023
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In March 2023 we notified customers that as part of our annual review there will be a price increase from September 2023.

City & Guilds have issued more than 500,000 digital credentials!

10 July 2023
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Celebrating a key milestone on our journey to digital certification.

How to create a workplace learning culture that drives growth

04 July 2023
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Discover how learning and development professionals are putting their teams in the driving seat to establish a learning culture that leads to growth

Jay Blades MBE appointed as Vice President of City & Guilds

24 June 2023
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City & Guilds has appointed award winning TV presenter, and one of the UK’s most well-known craftspeople, Jay Blades MBE, to the role of Vice President.

Why electricians should do an EV charging qualification

27 April 2023
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From electrical vehicle charging point installation to design, these new qualifications are meeting the demands of the industry.

Earth Day: Small Steps, Big Impact - Why It Matters to City & Guilds

13 April 2023
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Join our Going Green campaign and make a pledge to reduce your carbon footprint

Harnessing employability skills to succeed in an ever-changing environment

28 March 2023
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The evolution that we’ve seen occur over the past few years in the global workplace is perhaps the biggest that all working generations have seen. While the COVID-19 pandemic was clearly a primary catalyst of such change, there are other factors that contribute significantly, such as the 4th industrial revolution as a result of the massive progression of technology and AI.

Our annual price increase will be effective from 1 September 2023

28 March 2023
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City & Guilds and ILM are reviewing prices for the next academic year

The FE sector has a key role to play to support gender equality in the workplace

15 March 2023
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Kirstie Donnelly sets out the case for going further to support young women into higher-earning careers, and three steps to start delivering gender equity.

Neurodivergent employees impacted by lack of training and support in the workplace

10 March 2023
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New research from the City & Guilds, and neurodiversity experts Do-IT Solutions finds that employers are currently failing to support neurodivergent employees with a lack of training and awareness available in the workplace.

Celebrating the milestone of 50,000 end-point assessment certifications

09 March 2023
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City & Guilds Managing Director David Phillips celebrates a key milestone for apprenticeships and reflects on our EPA journey so far

How can the land-based sector become a dream career destination for young people in England?

09 March 2023
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Raising awareness of opportunities in sectors from livestock production to ornamental horticulture and closing the land-based skills gap.

Join us at the Annual Apprenticeships Conference 2023 in Birmingham

03 March 2023
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We are proud to be the Headline Sponsor for this year’s AAC event, that’s bringing together key organisations and individuals within the apprenticeship sector.

Our commitment to sustainability – help us to transition to digital certification

08 February 2023
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As a responsible business City & Guilds is transforming the way we operate by finding more sustainable ways of working.

Use your expertise to help develop qualifications

19 January 2023
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Part of the solution – the essential role of industry in technical qualification development

New platform for e-Functional Skills support resources

18 January 2023
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We’re excited to launch Boost, a new and improved platform for our e-Functional Skills support resources.

Championing quality and support in apprenticeships

30 November 2022
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Continued commitment and investment in apprenticeships is more important now than ever but embedding a quality learning journey and offering continued support is crucial to get the best outcomes for learners and industry - says David Phillips, Managing Director of City & Guilds

T Levels: the gold standard in technical qualifications

15 November 2022
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It’s now been two years since the roll out of T Levels began and as more programmes are being introduced, including three Engineering and Manufacturing T Level pathways as well as the Management and Administration T Level just this year, are you up to speed on what they are and how they can benefit learners or have an impact on skills shortage?

Number Confidence Week

10 November 2022
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Number Confidence Week is a great time to put a spotlight on the challenges we face with numeracy levels across the UK and the opportunities we have to make a difference, for individuals, employers and the economy.

EPA price increases will be effective from 1 February 2023

09 November 2022
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City & Guilds and ILM prices for end-point assessment will increase from next year.

Powering up the energy sector’s skills strategy

09 November 2022
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The Energy sector is one of the most critical industries in the country and has dominated headlines in recent months – how is the sector evolving and what opportunities can a career in the sector offer?

Training Trends 2022

03 November 2022
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City & Guilds’ research finds that despite continued investment into tailored in-house training programmes, many are failing or falling short of achieving their objectives with 99% of employers seeing a programme fail in the last five years.

City & Guilds acquires electrical training provider Trade Skills 4U

02 November 2022
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City & Guilds, the global skills development organisation, has today announced the acquisition of Trade Skills 4U, one of the UK'’s leading training providers for electrical engineering, from private equity firm Palatine.

City & Guilds, AoC and AELP partnering to form the Future Skills Coalition

19 October 2022
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A Skills and Productivity vision for the Future

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